WSIEA Conference Collection

As part of the Washington State Indian Education Association (WSIEA) conference, this collection underscores the importance of Indigenous knowledge and storytelling in shaping inclusive, accurate, and engaging learning experiences.
WSIEA Conference Collection
This curated collection features videos produced to support the Since Time Immemorial curriculum standards, offering rich, authentic storytelling from Indigenous perspectives. Highlighting histories, cultural teachings, and contemporary issues, these videos serve as valuable educational resources for educators, students, and community members.
Items in Collection:
Digital Heritage
Public UserCategory
Art & ExpressionSummary
Part one in a three part series tells the story of sculpture artist Haiying Wu who honors the lifework and legacy of Billy Frank Jr. in his journey to depict the Indigenous leader in a bronze statue.Digital Heritage
Public User, NisquallyCategory
Cultural Roles, Sovereignty/GovernanceSummary
The final part of the Billy Frank Jr. story, produced in celebration of the Billy Frank Jr. bronze statue project, honors the lasting legacy of Indigenous leader and environmentalist Billy Frank Jr. Digital Heritage
Public User, NisquallyCategory
Activism & Advocacy, Sovereignty/GovernanceSummary
Part two in a three part series follows the unveiling of the Billy Frank Jr. statue design in Olympia Washington. Nisqually Tribal leaders and State legislatures gather to celebrate the legacy of Billy Frank Jr. Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Ways of LifeSummary
Follow the story of Sk'aliCh'elh-tenaut, the orca also known as Tokitae or Lolita. Stolen from her family in 1970, this Puget Sound orca was sold to the Miami Aquarium where she performed for over 50 years, told by author Ellie Kinley.