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Digital Heritage
Public UserCategory
Native Sciences & TechnologySummary
In this episode Free Borsey sits down with Morgan Brown to talk traditional plant medicine, first foods, and seed keeping. Morgan shares about her experience teaching the youth and where she draws inspiration.
Digital Heritage
Public UserCategory
Native Sciences & TechnologySummary
In this episode we sit with Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of Braiding Sweetgrass to talk about how plants unite us through their teachings.
Digital Heritage
Public UserCategory
Activism & AdvocacySummary
Darrell Gray and James van der Voort from the Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association (NSEA) share the challenges and successes that the organization has had in their conservation efforts against Climate Change.
Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Native Sciences & Technology, Ways of LifeSummary
Sadie Olsen shares about how Whiteswan Environmental utilizes plants for programs and tools, and gives the audience insight on her own personal experience with plants and how they've helped her over time.
Digital Heritage
Public User, Swinomish Indian Tribal CommunityCategory
Native Sciences & Technology, Ways of LifeSummary
Anna Cook shares about her experience being raised off the land in her multi-generational household, and where her interest and appreciation for her "plant relatives" stems from.
Digital Heritage
Public UserCategory
Native Sciences & TechnologySummary
Continuing from our last episode, Morgan Brown, a Tsimshian mother, auntie, sister, daughter, and woman discusses plant sovereignty.
Digital Heritage
Public UserCategory
Activism & Advocacy, Native Sciences & Technology, Ways of LifeSummary
The Salmon People Research is a three-pronged initiative focused on amplifying Indigenous knowledge and stories to support salmon restoration, river health, and the revitalization of Tribal lifeways impacted by salmon loss.Digital Heritage
Public User, Stillaguamish Tribe of IndiansCategory
Native Sciences & Technology, Ways of LifeSummary
This video emphasizes the importance of traditional foods, ceremonies, and learning from our natural environment in order to maintain spiritual connections.Digital Heritage
Public User, Stillaguamish Tribe of IndiansCategory
Native Sciences & Technology, Ways of LifeSummary
Shawn discusses the deep connection between Indigenous creation stories and current environmental changes, highlighting how human activities, invasive species, and pollution have disrupted traditional ecosystems, foods, and health, impacting the community
Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Art & Expression, Ways of LifeSummary
This is the second episode of the Walking with our Ancestors series. 
Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Ancestral HomelandsSummary
Join us on the final leg of the ‘Walking With Our Ancestors’ journey as Lummi youth and elders travel through Skelotses, our ancestral homeland in the San Juan Islands, sharing stories, culture, and history while fostering community and mental wellness.Digital Heritage
Public User, Sauk-SuiattleCategory
Wellness & ResilienceSummary
In 2022, Children of the Setting Sun Productions created a documentary film series, Tribal Approaches to Wellness. This film highlights the significance of the "Big Walk" for the Sauk Suiattle tribal members.