In 2022, Children of the Setting Sun Productions created a documentary film series, Tribal Approaches to Wellness. This film highlights the fishing culture and practices of the Stillaguamish Tribe, as the salmon connects to wellness and ways of life.
In 2022, Children of the Setting Sun Productions created a documentary film series, Tribal Approaches to Wellness. This film highlights the significance of the "Big Walk" for the Sauk Suiattle tribal members.
In 2021, CSSP started a collaboration with the Swinomish people by creating a video series corresponding to the 13 Moons curriculum, offering a video for each moon.
In 2021, CSSP started a collaboration with the Swinomish people by creating a video series corresponding to the 13 Moons curriculum, offering a video for each moon.
In 2021, CSSP started a collaboration with the Swinomish people by creating a video series corresponding to the 13 Moons curriculum, offering a video for each moon.
In 2021, CSSP started a collaboration with the Swinomish people by creating a video series corresponding to the 13 Moons curriculum, offering a video for each moon.
In 2021, CSSP started a collaboration with the Swinomish people by creating a video series corresponding to the 13 Moons curriculum, offering a video for each moon.
In 2021, CSSP started a collaboration with the Swinomish people by creating a video series corresponding to the 13 Moons curriculum, offering a video for each moon.
In 2021, CSSP started a collaboration with the Swinomish people by creating a video series corresponding to the 13 Moons curriculum, offering a video for each moon.
In 2021, CSSP started a collaboration with the Swinomish people by creating a video series corresponding to the 13 Moons curriculum, offering a video for each moon.